Gavin Newsom’s is a failed governorship. Not everyone is cut out to be a leader and between Newsom’s arrogance and incompetence, Californians by the millions are being hurt. That is why well over 1.8 million people so far have signed a petition to have him recalled.
The Top 8 Reasons Gavin Newsom Should Be Recalled
1. The Self-Imposed Energy Crisis
California, of course, has abundant energy. Yet, California cannot reliably provide energy to the tens of millions of Californians and their businesses.
2. Wildfire Danger and Destruction
Part of the reason for power shutdowns is the wildfire danger caused by decades of a lack of forest management and the bowing to environmentalists by Newsom and others.
3. Water
Californians and businesses are perennially plagued with water shortages caused by man, not the weather. California is experiencing one of its wettest centuries, yet it refuses to build water storage to solve its self-imposed water crisis.
4. The Unemployment Fraud Scandal
The largest fraud scandal in the history of any state is exploding in California. Apparently, controls were so lax that COVID-related benefits (over $100 billion in total) were paid to prisoners, people out of state and fraudsters.
5. Fiscal Danger
California leads all states in debt and infrastructure problems. Newsom has done nothing to stave off the impending fiscal nightmare other than making it worse through higher spending.
6. Job Losses
California had the biggest net loss of U-Haul trucks of any state in 2020. Businesses and individuals alike know that California Democrats, led by Gavin Newsom, will seek to increase taxes and regulations even more. That’s why so many are leaving the state. They don’t want to pay the tab.
7. California’s COVID Response
Despite Newsom’s recent, largely unexplained reopening, California leads the nation in shutdown policies and COVID cases. California is last in the nation in vaccine administration. Add to that Newsom's expensive, secret mask deal to buy masks from a well-connected Chinese electric car manufacturer.
8. The Sheer Arrogance of His Rule
The world now knows that Gavin Newsom imposed rules against restaurant dining and school shutdowns while his children attended private school and he dined at the most exclusive restaurant in California. Newsom continues to impose illogical shutdown rules from his perch instead of working with localities. How else do you explain having rural counties under the same rules as Los Angeles?
What California Needs From Its Next Governor
1. Energy
The next California governor should, strike the proper balance between safety environmental concerns by requiring urgent foliage trimming, lead a best practices consortium of utility experts from around the country to reform PG&E, and recognize that solar can only supplement current energy production -- it cannot replace it.
2. Water
A good governor would cooperate with residents and business to increase the supply of water, including getting all previously approved water storage/reservoirs actually built and championing three key water policies: collecting every drop of water, including runoff, recycling water, and ocean water desalination.
3. Job Losses and Out-migration
The middle class is being run out of the state. That trend must be reversed by the Golden State’s next governor. New ideas are born every day in California. To stop those ideas from becoming success stories in Texas, the next governor should sit down with industry and tech leaders to move California into this century with a job-friendly environment.
4. Veto Unnecessary Bills
Each year, California Democrats place hundreds of bills on the governor’s desk. All but a few are truly necessary and they contribute trillions in government debt. That debt is one reason why large businesses are leaving California – they don’t want to be stuck with the tax bill. The next governor of California should pause all unnecessary spending and veto those bills.
As the state has grappled with the coronavirus pandemic the governor has dictated from Sacramento and has used one-size-fits-all policies. It has not gone well over the past year.
Overall, California needs a governor who cooperates with the state’s citizens not dictates to them. The biggest change of all in leadership should be in the form of a governor that looks to help Californians not use them as a political stepping stone.